Tia Tease, Berkshire’s Tie and Tease specialist. A sensual dominator of men’s desire and kinky catalyst to your wildest dreams.

Meet me Tia Tease, Berkshire’s Tie and Tease specialist. I’m a tall, elegant English rose, with long Ombre tresses. My beauty will have you captivated, and will be held under my spell from the moment you walk through my door. My deep hazel seductive stare will have you melt and your control will be mine.

While you are helplessly bound in my web I will have you submit to my every whim. You will be my toy to tease, torment and play with. Your pleading and whimpering will only encourage me more. While I have you in my presence, you will be mine!!

My speciality is sensual domination incorporating kink and erotic play, Erotic massage is also another favourite of mine.

I love taking my clients on a journey on sensual discovery, my role is to help you embrace your sexuality and allow you to delve into your deepest desires. My pleasure is derived from your desperation for more.

Visit my domestic heaven full of kinky and sensual delights. Discreet and clean, My home in Ascot is where the all the fun happens and you open up your mind and body to experience pleasure on a different level.

Visit Berkshire's Tie and Tease specialist Tia Tease


Tie and Tease

First and foremost this is an experience that touches on the periphery of kinky play. Tie and Tease refers to the sensual practice of being tied up and surrendering to pleasure. During your tie and tease session, you are pleasured and stimulated repeatedly, so that you remain in a heightened state of arousal for as long as possible. Tying consists of light restraints and/or blindfolding, this allows you to surrender to me and the pleasure I bestow on you. With your senses naturally heightened, your body becomes more responsive to touch.

Along with my hands, I will use other objects/toys to tease and pleasure your body. The element of anticipation and surprise takes every touch to another level, because you know I’m going to tantalise and please you, but you cant see how I will do it or what delicious pleasure is coming next…

As an experienced practitioner, I know exactly how to please you and bring you to the brink of climax and then ease off just enough so you remain in this heightened pleasurable state. When I finally allow you to climax, your orgasm will be more intense and satisfying then ever before because of the sexual tension that has built up throughout this extraordinary experience.


Erotic Massage

If Kink isn’t what you’re looking for, then how about a relaxing sensual encounter with me. If you are tired after a long day at work or simply want an excuse to escape the mundane daily grind, my erotic massage is just the answer. This time is yours to relax and unwind, let the tension melt away in my hands.

I will slowly work your body head to toe, covering your entire body, awakening every sense. It will feel like I’m teasing you with every touch , this erotic feeling will arouse your senses, and gently build up the sexual tension. Once you are fully relaxed and melting at my finger tips, I will move on to my lingham massage which is playfully referred to as the happy ending. I spend time pleasuring your most intimate parts, gently bringing you up and down from the edge of release, until I finally let you surrender to full mind and body pleasure. Leaving you in a state of bliss, feeling relaxed and invigorated.

My use of massage techniques often achieves or enhances sexual arousal. All my erotic massages are performed topless or wearing provocative lingerie.

Should you wish, your massage can incorporate prostate massage or light fetish play.

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Fetish Services

As a sensual and naughty kinkster myself, I spend my days with men looking to share their fantasies with me. I am very open minded and I believe men live their lives fantasising, wanting to have new and exciting adventures. I offer a variety of fetish services, intended to satisfy the needs of both first timers wanting to try something new and naughty, and those who have established their kinks.

I absolutely love roleplay, from naughty nurse to strict head mistress, I thoughly enjoy acting out every scenario. No matter how creative and unique your idea is, if you have anything in particular in mind I will do my best to ensure your fantasy is fulfilled.

Click my link below to view my full list of services.


‘Imagine having all your senses heightened, so that every bit of pleasure is intensified’